Artwork for the Rich Soni Podcast

#41 Jeffrey Lewis


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Episode Overview

In this episode of The Rich Soni Podcast, Rich Soni interviews Jeffrey Lewis, a comic book artist and songwriter based in New York City. Jeffrey discusses his dual career, his influences, and his DIY ethic. They delve into his comic book series "Statix," his low-budget videos, and his experiences with booking tours and manaping his music career. Jeffrey also shares insights into his creative process and the balance between art and commerce.

Jeffrey Lewis describes himself as a comic book artist who has a day job as a songwriter. Over the years, this persona has fused into a cohesive artistic identity, reflected across his multifaceted work. In his latest comic book release, Statix Vol. 1, distributed by the prestigious Fantagraphics Books, a segment titled "Why Would I Be So Stressed Out" showcases his eclectic influences and aspirations. He aims to:

  • "Make comics as good as Alan Moore and Eightball by Daniel Clowes"
  • "Write songs as good as Daniel Johnston"
  • "Draw as well as Robert Crumb"
  • "Rock as hard as The Velvet Underground"
  • "Play gigs as mind-blowing as Yo La Tengo"

All of this is approached with a DIY ethic inspired by bands like The Fall, The Minutemen, and Crass. His work is meticulous and prolific, transcending the boundaries of multiple artistic disciplines.

One of the most unique representations of this fusion is found in his 'Low-Budget' videos, of which there are at least 50. These videos are illustrated books presented in the form of songs sung by Lewis, featured on and mainstays in his live performances.

In this episode, Jeffrey discusses his dual career, the creation of his comic book series Statix, and the inspiration behind his low-budget music videos. He shares insights into his DIY ethic, the challenges of balancing art and commerce, and his continuous pursuit of creative excellence. Reflecting on his influences, he emphasizes the profound impact of comic artist Joe Matt and musician Donovan on his work.

Key Topics

  • Jeffrey Lewis's self-description as a comic book artist and songwriter
  • Overview of Jeffrey's comic book series "Statix"
  • Influences on Jeffrey's work: Alan Moore, Daniel Clowes, Daniel Johnston, Robert Crumb, Velvet Underground, Yo La Tengo, The Fall, The Minutemen, Crass
  • Jeffrey's DIY ethic and managing his own career
  • Collaborations with Mallory Feuer on booking tours
  • The balance between art and commerce in Jeffrey's career
  • Jeffrey's longevity in the music industry and his views on success
  • Creative process and songwriting techniques
  • Importance of live performances and setlist curation
  • Comparison of Jeffrey's approach to bands like Yo La Tengo and Grateful Dead
  • Experience with "Low-Budget" videos and their impact
  • Jeffrey's thoughts on cover bands and tribute nights
  • Discussion of the Alan Ginsberg "First Blues" record and its influence